Happy New Year!
The magic of keeping the conversation going is to ask questions!
When you have run out of things to say, then ask the person a question using 5W1H.
5W1H stands for these 5 question words.
1. Who ~ ?(だれ) e.g. Who is your favorite singer? (あなたの好きな歌手はだれですか。)
2. What ~ ?(なに) e.g. What is it? (それは何ですか。)
3. Where ~ ?(どこ) e.g. Where did you go yesterday? (昨日どこに行きましたか。)
4. When ~ ?(いつ) e.g. When did you get it? (いつ手に入れたのですか)
5. Why ~ ?(なぜ) e.g. Why do you like it? (なぜそれが好きなのですか。)
6. How ~ ?(どのような、どんな) e.g. How are you? (調子はどうですか。)
Let’s learn these question words, and keep the conversation going!
Here are some other useful question expressions.
What time ~ ?(何時)
Whose ~ ?(だれの)
Which ~ ?(どっち)
How many ~ ?(何個)
How much ~ ?(いくら)
How old ~ ?(何歳)
How often ~ ? (どのくらいよく)
Good luck!