– 来校時アルコール消毒、マスクの着用
– 熱、咳、他風類似の症状の場合は出席休止(*学校と同様)(振替レッスン可能)
As we are experiencing colder weather, in addition to influenza there have been increasing cases of the Corona virus in the city. We’d like to take the time to ask for your cooperation in the classroom so as to prevent the spread and protect the safety of fellow students and staff.
– Please disinfect with hand sanitizer when entering the classroom.
– Please wear a mask.
– If a student presents signs of a fever, cough, or any other symptoms, we ask that they do not attend class that day. (Make up lessons can be arranged.)
Thank you in advance!
Although we are taking precautions, we are still accepting trial lessons at this time. Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
AIC Kids松山校の無料体験レッスンはこちらから