Comments and Thoughts from Parents!

Comments and Thoughts from Parents!



We are thankful to receive such positive feedback from our students’ parents! 🙏 We asked some of the students’ parents for some feedback a little while ago so we would like to share some of their comments with you. 


A rough translation for the comments given by the parents in our last post are written below.


Parent of a Grade 3 Class Student


I am 100% satisfied! 

Because the level of English that my child is learning at AIC aligns with the level of his English studies at his school, he is willingly attending AIC and I am thankful for that. 

He has only been attending AIC since his first semester of junior high school but has leveled up 1 Eiken Grade level each school semester. He has also showed results of growth in the 4 main skills of English so I am happy.


Parent of a Grade 4 Class Student


I was a bit worried as the lesson is all in English but it is done in a way where (the student) is able to pick it up and understand. Since the teacher is cheerful and also takes care in teaching thoroughly, my child is also learning to be proactive and work hard on tackling the subject.

The contents of the class such as vocabulary and grammar are very substantial. My child looks like she’s having fun as well. I thought about whether the grammar might be difficult for an elementary student but the teacher is very patient and teaches thoroughly until she(the student) understands. 

Since my kid has come to ask questions on her own, I feel comfortable leaving the lesson in the hands of the teacher.


Parent of a Grade Pre-5 Student


(From a parent’s perspective…) The teacher is able to grasp what the student’s weak points are and adjust her teaching methods in order to have the student understand and connect the material. The student enjoys learning English and takes initiative to learn on his own so I never hear words like “I don’t want to!“.

I’m truly happy that the teacher devises lessons in accordance with my child’s degree of understanding every time and I am glad that I am having my child attend this school. By using materials such as beads and cards etc., as a parent I can see that the students are taking the initiative in their study and having fun while learning.


Parent of a Grade Pre-5 Student


There is homework which seems to be difficult at times but my child’s pronunciation is improving and she is enjoying going to the lessons. There may be some difficult parts for her in the future but I look forward to having her in your care.

Since we (parents) are welcome to watch the lessons at any time, I can see what is being taught and feel reassured. Thank you for always teaching my child so kindly and lovingly.


Parent of a Beginner Class Student


My child has been attending lessons since he was in kindergarten. The teacher pays careful attention to his level, so without any reluctance he has fun going to class.

Not only is care taken to emphasize phonics, but when it comes to learning English, I feel like the foundation of English is being taught as well.

The teacher teaches in a way where if the kids are stumbling on a certain part, she prioritizes that and teaches with methods that are not boring or unoriginal. Because of that, she can skillfully bring out the kids’ motivation and joy in learning English.


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  • 対象となる生徒は?



  • 他の英会話教室との違いは何ですか?

    AIC Kids は実力を高めることを追求しています。

    英語脳の育成と英検®合格を同時に達成できるカリキュラムが整っている点です。AIC Kidsは実力を高めることを追求し、英検®という目に見える形にしていきます。

  • 保護者は授業を参観できますか?



  • クラス割や時間割は?


    クラスは、ビギナーから英検®2級を目指す Grade 2 まで7つのレベルに分かれています。

  • 無料体験レッスンの流れを教えてください。



  • 学費について教えてください。


    AIC Kids 教室一覧

AIC について

AIC ( Academy for the International Community = 国際社会のための学校 )は、AIC Kids を運営する鷗州コーポレーションが設立した国際的な教育機関です。

AIC がサポートする、世界有数の進学校である Auckland International College からは、 毎年、カリフォルニア工科大学・オックスフォード大学・ハーバード大学・インペリアル大学・カリフォルニア大学バークレー校・東京大学等、世界でもトップ50に名を連ねる名門大学から合格内定通知が届いています。

