AIC Kidsでは、ネイティブ講師によるオール英語レッスンで「読む」「聞く」「書く」「話す」の4技能をバランスよく習得し、身につけた英語力を英検®で計り、自分のレベルにあった少人数レッスンを受講し真の英語力を習得することができます。
実際、英検®2級に挑戦するGrade2 コースでは、どのような観点でレッスンが行われているのでしょうか。
Hello my scholars of the English language! It’s Emi Sensei from AIC Kids Umeda and Miyakojima. This year’s rainy season is later and longer than usual. Since we can’t go outside, let’s spend some time studying indoors.

- Joanne felt that the exam was very difficult, and so ( ) everyone else in the class.
① are
② were
③ do
④ did
Hint: The main verb in the first clause “felt” is in the simple past tense. The missing verb also should be in the simple past tense.
Also, “everyone else” is a collective noun, so treat it like a singular noun.
Correct Answer:
④ did
This verb is in the simple past tense. Also, this verb is conjugated correctly for a singular subject. Finally, the meaning of this verb (to do) matches the sentence best.
① are
This verb is in the simple present tense, so this cannot be the answer.
② were
Although this verb is in the simple past tense, this is not the correct answer. “Everyone else” show the subject of the second clause is plural. However, “everyone else” is a collective noun, so we treat it like a singular subject.
Not only that, but we cannot use the past tense of “be” in this sentence, because the second clause begins with the word “so” implies similarity between the actions of Joanne and he classmates. For the past tense of “be” to be the correct answer, the verb in the first clause should also be a past tense form of “be”.
For “were” to be the correct answer, we’d need to change the sentence so it looks like this:
Joanne was upset that the exam was very difficult, and so was everyone else in the class.
③ do
This verb is in the simple present tense, so this cannot be the answer.
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